List of Archived Articles
This index gives links to the articles formerly on the Birthpangs website, but which have now been moved to the Archive Website of Cross+Word. In most cases they are identical to their counterparts there, although one or two may have been updated.
The topics of the archives relate to my earlier "discernment" work, and cover such areas as the Latter Rain, Restoration or Shepherding, the Toronto Blessing, Cell Churches, the Emerging Church and various false teachings and heresies.
Historical Background
- "The New Thing" - Gnostic roots and historical events in revival (six major parts)
- "The Early Years of the Tongues Movement" by G. Lang, historical survey written 1950
- "Bread & Games" - The changing face of the UK Churches (three parts)
- "Anointing or Apostasy" PDF book by Charles S. Graves on Latter Rain and Similar
- "Charismatic Renewal in Britain" PDF by Rev Dr David Hilborn of EA (pro-revival)
- "History of the The Charismatic Movement" PDF by Brian Hughes. (pro-Catholic).
Deceptions & Heresies
- Will music be used as a tool of the New Order?
- The Covert Strategies of the False Revival
- Top Secret/Apotheosis (research file to accompany the above)
Restoration/Kingdom-Dominion Doctrines
- Ten Reasons to Reject Restoration Doctrine
- The Restoration Movement (three parts)
- "Whatever Happened to George Tarleton" audio and text about this former "apostle"
Kansas City Prophets/IHOP
- Kansas City Prophets Exposed - Ernie Gruen Report download page
- Harp and Bowls - False teaching based on Revelation
- KCP: The Roots of the Revival - Timeline and Events
- "Vintage-Metro" Testimony of the KCP early days
- "Did Ernie Gruen Recant His Aberrant Practises Documentation?
- Mike Bickle and the Latter-Rain roots of IHOP
Latter Rain/Sonship & Dominion teachings
- "Doctrine of Demons" PDF download
- "The Doctrine of Demons" - Full examination of the new teachings (11 Parts)
- The Manchild (Manifested Sons of God Teachings)
- The Keepers of the Keys: Gatekeepers & Portals of the New Order
- The Overshadowing of Glory (A False Coming)
- The Roots & Fruit of the New Apostolic Reformation
The Church
- Doing "Church" Outside the Church (two parts)
- The Emerging Church Movement [Wikipedia article]
- The Transforming Church (10 parts)
- Purpose Driven Church (PDF format) by Sarah Leslie
- Mysticism returns to our Churches "From Pillar to Post"
Bible Teachings
- Demon Possession & The Christian (three parts) by C Fred Dickason
- The Thorny Problem - Can a Christian be demonised?
- They Want Your Mind!
- In His Name
Word of Faith (Prosperity Doctrines)
- My Word of Faith Testimony
- Ten Reasons to Reject Word of Faith (shorter summary of the article below)
- " Wells Without Water" - Positive Confession teachings examined (six parts)