"A New Approach to Revelation" by Tricia Tillin
how the day of atonement Temple service sheds light on the book of revelation: Contents
For the past few months I have been exploring and researching what I could say is "THE KEY TO THE BOOK OF REVELATION", if I was given to hyperbole and self-promotion. I don't propose to speak of what I've found in any grandiose way, yet - for me at least - it has opened my eyes to a book of the bible that contained many confusing and obscure passages.
For all those who feel no need to explore beyond the "received wisdom" of decades of teachers and are content with what they already understand, this article will seem an annoyance I'm sure.
Yet for anyone looking to study the mysterious vision in a way that makes more sense, and in a way that reveals its underlying structure and purpose, what I am about to share might just open the door to understanding.
TABLE OF CONTENTS listing topics in each page. Access the pages individually below.
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By the way, please don't feel the need to write to me correcting my "poor English and grammar" - I am British, not American, and there are many differences in the way we write. One word that I use many times during this study is "judgement". That is how people from England spell it! Sorry, but it's true. We don't use the letter Z in words like 'realise' and apologise' and we have the letter U in words such as colour, vapour and valour.
- The Reason for this Study - Do we need yet another article about Revelation?
- Why is Revelation a Temple Service? - Evidence examined
- Which Feast? - Why the Day of Atonement?
- Is it the Sabbath? - Is this Last Day also the Sabbath Rest?
- The Temple Setting - The courts, the gates and the context
- The Seven Letters - Seven ages of Church history?
- The Seven Letters as an Overview of Church History (NEW)
- "After This..." - Preparations and Activities in the Temple
- The Throne Room - John's description and its significance
- The Service Outlined - Part One - the seals, martyrs, and more
- The Service Outlined - Part Two - silence in heaven!
- The Service Outlined - Part Three - ending the morning service with trumpets and bowls
- Trumpets and Bowls - explaining how they work together as one unit
- Also: The service pictured and tabulated
- The 42 Months - The Atonement Sacrifices
- The Three Interludes - Three narrative passages
- The Final Judgement - The doors close and the service ends
- Conclusion - Closing remarks
- The Isle of Patmos - What was Patmos like?
- The Seven Churches - Their Historical & Biblical Context (dispensationalist)
- Who Exiled John? - Which Emperor exiled John to Patmos?
- When was Revelation written? - The late or early date discussion (one of many on the Net)
- Revelation written before AD70 - useful page of evidence
- See the book "Before Jerusalem Fell" below [in 'Sources For Further Study'] for a fuller discussion
- Debate on the Date of Revelation, three parts on Youtube
- Was John a Priest? - Evidence of John's knowledge of the Priesthood and Temple
- Which John? - Which John wrote the book of Revelation?
- Herod's Temple
- The Temple - The Temple's History & Structure
- The Temple - The Priesthood
- The Temple - The Lots drawn
- The Temple - The Yom Kippur Ceremonies
- The Scapegoat - Why is the scapegoat known as Azazel?
- Questions on the Text - Was Revelation written in Aramaic?
- The Structure of the Text - Does Revelation have a distinct literary structure?
- PDF Treatise on the Structure - of the Apocalypse
- Literary Devices - Examination of the structure of the book
- The Seven Letters - Are they an overview of Church history? [Midnight Cry]
- The Seven Letters to the Churches - my own study on this site.
- The Seven World Days - Theory of human history
- The Lord's Day - What exactly does this refer to? [Tyndale Archive]
- After This - Do John's words indicate history, prophecy or a simple statement of fact?
- The Emerald Rainbow - Gems, Breastplate, Temple foundations, Four Living Creatures etc (Major New Series!)
- The Talmud: YOMA - "The Day" discussed and described in Jewish literature
- The Temple Service: Described in the Jewish Encyclopedia
- The Day of Atonement Ceremonies: as described by the Temple Institute
- Christian Significance of Yom Kippur (Messianic)
- The Scapegoat or Azazel: Aaron Pinker, Journal of Hebrew Studies
- Daily Service in the Temple: as described by the Temple Institute
- Scriptures Read: in the First Century Synagogue - by Tim Hegg (2007)
- "The Temple: Its Ministry & Services" - Alfred Edersheim (1874)
- "The Apocalypse in the Light of the Temple" - by John and Gloria Ben-Daniel (2003)
- "The Feast of Tabernacles & The Book of Revelation" - by Edwin Reynolds (2000) ADVENTIST!
- The Coming Tribulation : and the History of the Apocalypse by Dr Robert D. Luginbill
- The Day of Atonement - by Samuele Bacchiocchi ADVENTIST
- "Before Jerusalem Fell" - book (c) by Kenneth L Gentry Jnr, on the date of Revelation (before AD70)
- Date of the Apocalypse From internal Evidence (1869) by Revd James M. MacDonald, DD, Princetown [Preterist??]
- "Inside Herod's Temple" - Videos
If you are interested, intrigued, confused, or just want to give me some feedback, please e-mail me direct: Contact Page
© 2014 Tricia Tillin-Booth. All rights reserved. Birthpangs Website: http://www.birthpangs.org/ This document is the property of its author and is not to be displayed on other websites, redistributed, sold, reprinted, or reproduced in printed in any other format without permission. Websites may link to this article, if they provide proper title and author information. One copy may be downloaded, stored and/or printed for personal research. All spelling and phraseology is UK English.